AR for Difficult Airways

Difficult Airways Demo Difficult Airways Demo
Difficult Airways Demo Difficult Airways Demo
Difficult Airways Demo Difficult Airways Demo
Difficult Airways Demo Difficult Airways Demo
Difficult Airways Demo Difficult Airways Demo
Difficult Airways Demo Difficult Airways Demo
This project aims to develop a solution for different crisis scenarios that might develop when an individual is intubated.


Core Programmers at the Innovate Team will attempt to develop an application software that will attempt to address each of the following scenarios, each with its specific goal.

Scenario 1 – Learner performs a preoperative assessment of airway
  • The MR module will enable users to view and interact with virtual patient in the context of the preoperative environment. The script will be programmed to guide the learner through the interview process and trigger responses based on categories of evidence related to the likelihood encountering a difficult airway.
  • Goal: Learner will recognize associations between a difficult airway and patient characteristics.
Scenario 2 – Preparation for managing the difficult airway
  • The MR module will enable the learner to do things like viewing and selecting virtual advanced airway equipment and move the equipment into a virtual OR so that it is immediately available, inform the patient with a known or suspected difficult airway using a triggered preprogrammed script, and locate and assign a virtual anesthesia provider to provide assistance.
  • Goal: The learner will gain knowledge of basic preparation for a known or suspected difficult airway based on recommendations outlined in the DAM practice guidelines.
Scenario 3 – Alternative airway management techniques
  • The MR module will guide the learner through a series of steps delineated by the ASA Difficult Airway Algorithm.
  • Goal: The learner will gain knowledge of a structured and planned strategy delineated by the DAA, consisting of the appropriate sequence of implementing alternative airway management techniques to facilitate intubation/oxygenation should a difficult airway occur.

Students Milena Pak, Sophie Amador, Samantha Kamath, Kelsey Boily
Faculty Greta Vladinov
College School of Nursing